Millenium est une agence spécialisée dans la production d’événements culturels et dans la prestation de services ainsi que la communication destinée aux entreprises.
Fort de 15 ans d’expérience réunis dans l’organisation et la co-organisation d’événements, nous proposons nos services aux entreprises qui souhaitent nous confier leur tâches événementielles : salons, séminaires, conférences, lancement de produits, escapades et autres.
Nous proposons également une communication sur mesure pour vos évènements mais également pour votre société de manière ponctuelle ou tout au long de l’année.
Notre passion de l’événementiel culturel se manifeste à travers nos propres organisations tels que les salons d’art, les festivals, les événements sportifs et la promotion des milieux urbains.

Our force
Innovation, experience, daring and creativity are the key factors for the success of our organizations.
Rigorous, attentive to your recommendations and suggestions, we use our experience to organize events that correspond to and enhance the image of your company.
On a human scale, we are available and present to carry out all internal or general public projects in France and abroad.
Why trust us ?
Our services are always unique and personalized in relation to the requests of our customers. To create excitement around your event, your name or for your customers, our team is there to offer you new ideas around your theme.
Being used to projects of different sizes, we are able to respond to a wide variation of requests. Thanks to an interlocutor who is dedicated to you, we assure you a personalized follow-up.
Our creativity is limitless and imagination is our driving force.
We adapt to each desired project, theme, location, environment and budget.
Our team, our collaborators and our subcontractors research and use tools related to new technologies. These tools may prove necessary for any project and make it possible to provide the best technical and operational responses (online/physical ticketing, applications on smartphones and tablets, website, social networks, webinar, technical management and general installation, etc.)